Valve Radio Repair & Restoration

Servicing and repairing vintage valve radios
Like most things' years ago and now, these radios were designed and built with a certain life expectancy, which they have well exceeded.
The type of work required varies depending on the set's history. For a set that’s been out of use for a long period, it would consist of a visual inspection for obvious signs of component failure, over heating and any deteriorated wiring and signs of previous repairs.
Then if all looks ok, the set would be powered up limiting the voltage and current to see if there is any sign of life. It's surprising how many do work after decades in an attic, all be it not very well. With the chassis removed it's given a good clean including valve bases.
As a matter of course I replace all the wax paper capacitors, which even if still working will undoubtedly have gone leaky. I also check the resistors are within the tolerances, and replace any that aren't, or show signs of overheating (usually caused by a leaky capacitor in the same circuit}.
I Lubricate any pulleys and tuning gang bearings, replace dial cord if broken or looking weak, clean volume, tone and wave change switches.
I fit a new mains lead 2 or 3 core depending on the type of radio, ac/dc sets use 2 core, ac sets with a mains isolating transformer can use 3 core with an earth, but not sets with an auto transformer, these cannot be earthed.
Finally, I check the alignment to ensure best performance, clean the cabinet and re assemble the set.
The radio will be soak tested which simply involves having the radio on for several days, just to ensure that everything is ok.
Whilst every care is taken regarding safety and reliability when working on your radio, please bear in mind that these are vintage electrical items, 60-70 years old and would never conform to modern day safety standards.
Do not allow children to use the set.
Always switch off and unplug when unattended
If you have any questions regarding your radio please contact me.
Many Thanks Martin.